This 3-day course is a hands-on experience that covers Cisco Finesse for both UCCX and UCCE. The installation and
configuration of Cisco Finesse will be covered and many hands-on labs will demonstrate how to customize the
desktop for agents and supervisors using the built-in functions of the Cisco Finesse Administrative interface. Beyond
that you will learn and implement how to deploy and use custom 3rd party or in-house gadgets to make the Cisco
Finesse exactly what you need.
Student Testimonials
Instructor did a great job, from experience this subject can be a bit dry to teach but he was able to keep it very engaging and made it much easier to focus.
Excellent presentation skills, subject matter knowledge, and command of the environment.
Instructor was outstanding. Knowledgeable, presented well, and class timing was perfect.
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Basic familiarity with contact centers
Detailed Class Syllabus
Finesse Basics
What is Finesse
Supported OS and Browsers
Versions Supported
Components of Finesse
Finesse Architecture
The Finesse Server
The Connections to the Finesse Server
Finesse Client Connections
Finesse Failover
Failover Mechanisms
CTI Failure
AWDB Failure
Finesse Server Failure
Finesse Browser Issues
Finesse IP Phone Failure
Finesse Out of the Box
Logging into Finesse as an Agent
The Finesse Agent Interface
Logging into the Supervisor Interface
The Finesse Supervisor Interface
Basic Finesse Customizations
Administration Interface Tour
Phone Books
Screen Pops
Reason Codes
Wrap up Codes
Desktop Layouts
Adding CUIC live Data
Adding CUIC Gauges and Charts
Task Overview
CUIC Tasks
Finesse Admin Tasks
Web Browser Pops
API Actions
Recording Calls
Post Call Survey 3
Gadgets Overview
Cisco Sample Gadgets
Uploading Gadgets to the Finesse Server
Adding Gadgets to the Desktop Layout
Rest API
The Finesse REST API
The Finess REST API Structure
Using the Fineesse API from the CLI
Adding API Elements to a Web Site
3rd party Solutions
Examples of Third-Party Apps
Troubleshooting Finesse
Troubleshooting Finesse Server
Collecting Trace Files
Finesse Errors
Lab Outline
Introduction to Finesse Agent And Supervisor Interfaces
Cisco Finesse Admin Basics
Layout Lab
Loading 3rd Party Custom Gadgets
Using the REST API
Integrating Task Routing into a Web Interface
3rd Party Tour
Troubleshooting Finesse